I found an old coffee can filled with old recipes that my great-grandmother used from the 1920's through the 1970's. While I have yet to actually try any, I hope to this coming summer, as there are a LOT of recipes for preserves. Some of these recipes are handwritten, and many are torn from newspapers and magazines. Please enjoy, and let me know if you try any!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Curry of Pork and Green Tomatoes

2 cupfuls of chopped lean cooked pork
1 quart of skinned sliced green tomatoes
1 cupful of sliced onions
2 tablespoonfuls of pork drippings
1 teaspoonful of curry powder

Cook the onion in the drippings for a few minutes, add the green tomatoes, cover, and cook until tender. Add the pork, curry powder, salt to taste, and 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of brown meat juice from a roasting pan, or about 1/2 cupful of brown gravy. Cook until thoroly heated and serve in a ring of hot boiled rice. Tart apples may be used instead of the green tomatoes.

Mrs. M.J.B.
(From Successful Farming magazine, dated September 1930)

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