I found an old coffee can filled with old recipes that my great-grandmother used from the 1920's through the 1970's. While I have yet to actually try any, I hope to this coming summer, as there are a LOT of recipes for preserves. Some of these recipes are handwritten, and many are torn from newspapers and magazines. Please enjoy, and let me know if you try any!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sugarless Sponge Cake

Experimenting with recipes I have worked out this cake recipe for yellow sponge cake which is the best I have ever tasted. Besides that, it is butterless, milkless and sugarless! Boil 1½ cups of white corn syrup for 3 minutes. Beat the whites of 9 eggs with a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon cream of tartar until stiff. Pour hot syrup over egg whites and beat with beater one minute. Add egg yolks (beated) and carefully fold in 1¼ cups of flour and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Put in an ungreased, large flat cake pan and bake about 40 minutes. If angel cake pan is used, bake longer as cake will be deeper. Use slow oven. Remove from oven when cake is very brown on top, turn upside down on cooling rack but under no circumstances attempt to remove cake until it is cold. This cake is sweet and lighter than most angel foods.

Mrs. E. D. L.